December 13, 2009

Day 7: Sunday, December 13

Our Day of Rest update 6 p.m.

Today is the conference day off. We had moments of sunshine on Saturday (above photo inside Bella Center) and Sunday morning and I am taking it as a sign that the negotiations are having breakthroughs, just like the sun is breaking through the cloud cover here in Copenhagen. Hope runs through my veins because that is all I have!

I spent the day sightseeing around the city with our hostess as a guide. So enjoy the photos below! I was really cold and bought my Copenhagen hat (very euro), so I am much much better.

The view from my apartment. Very cute neighborhoood.

Lakes by Gitte's house where I went for coffee.

Like we did in DC and Baltimore, Copenhagen had an exhibition with globes that were decorated by artists. Here is one where the U.S. has a mosaic sunflower over it...wish I felt so cheery!

Slightly more appropriate...

The have lots of amber stores here for crazy westerners like me. I resisted! No amber...yet. Can't promise that I won't buy more jewelry before I leave!!! ;)

My roommate Mel.

"I’m sitting on the back of a man - he is sinking under the burden -I will do everything to help him - except to step down from his back.”
Justitia, Western Goddess of Justice.

And of course, the Little Mermaid.

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