November 25, 2009

California update - two items today from home

LA Times story today on Conservation. Always glad to have conservation at the table - but I still wonder why the press isn't covering the most obvious issue for water in California, especially when a new report is speculating "mega droughts" due to climate change for the State. If people are to conserve, they have to know how much water they are using. Water meters are NOT a universal set up in the state. According to my League's former President, Sacramento and the area up in the Delta that is screaming over the smelt, DO NOT have water meters. So how can they know how much water they use? How can government incentivize them to use less? Apparently, we can just ask the residents of Sacramento to turn off the water while they brush their teeth.

If you didn't see it - California's cap and trade proposal came out. Big reading for me over the holiday weekend! But yes, California is TRYING...if only we can get this to stick and other states to follow suit.

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