December 6, 2009

Day 0: COP15

Day 0, Sunday, December 6, 1:56 pm (Copenhagen):

This is the day before the conference begins. I am sitting in the Internet cafe here in the Bella Center due to a security breach which means that they cleared the registration area and will not allow us to leave the building. I am waiting for two women from my delegation to make it into registration. At this rate, I can stay here the rest of the day. At least I am not outside.

Unlike most people, I am fine with being shuffled around due to security concerns. I am desensitized. After the bomb sniffing dogs in the area of my old building in Washington, DC and the gates for the WTO protesters - heck this is easy! I am glad that the Danish officials are taking this seriously and doing everything that they can to keep us safe. I admit - when they started quarantining off the area, I thought it was a head of state coming in!

So the Bella Center has a large windmill out front. Very nice show of the wind power here in Denmark. There is definitely a brisk wind. Worse than those of Oklahoma mom! I was lost this morning looking for over an hour for the COP15 bus leaving from Central Station. Nobody knew about it. Concierges, the help desk - nobody. So after I found coffee (an imperative for my body to function) I relented into a carbon rich choice of a taxi. Of course, as it departed I saw the bus! Will figure my transportation aspect out by tomorrow. While a bike is still my preference, the 4 miles may be a bit for this out of shape body.

My apartment is a quaint three bedroom apartment owned by a family that cares about their energy consumption. The Brown's have three small children and they have implemented smart technologies to enable better energy efficiency such as a motion sensor in the bathroom and a fan that only turns on when the humidity is too high. Very nice solutions that are easy to do and help everyone. My roommate will be sleeping in the girl's castle. I am slightly jealous.

As an entertaining side note, from the apartment to the train station you must walk through an area of sex shops. I am reminded that this IS Denmark and of my infamous trip to New York where I met my husband (just remember that the Village is an interesting place for little girls from Kansas who have never seen anything like that before). If you didn't see my post on Facebook, the local prostitute union is offering free services to Conference delegates. How kind of them to help boost the spirits of negotiators.

My sadness is over missing Obama. I am leaving early so that I won't miss my aunt's birthday for the second year. He is now coming in on the 18th. My guess is because our Congressional Delegation will likely be stuck in Washington, DC for the health care vote. It will be interesting to see if Sen. Kerry and Speaker Pelosi will be able to make it over here. But I did see him at the Inaugural and it is not like in these 25,000 people he would yell "Searfoss get up here." That only happens when Dr. Tuckson needs me to write a letter!

So far I met Andrew from the Alliance. Cool thing is that he helped Vice President Gore with his latest book doing some of the energy analysis. The folks next to me here in the Climate Kitchen are from OxFam. During my delay, I sat with the daughter of the Bostswana U.N. Ambassador. She works in finance and is here to see the festivities and how the event progresses. I am very happy to know so many connected people who are passionate about this issue are here.

I am not sure if you read the editorial in the Washington Post. I find it quite amusing. It calls for a "Green Free December" with no greenwashing and asks an important question: "And in the 1960s, civil rights activists didn't ask bigoted Southern governors and sheriffs to consider "10 Ways to Go Integrated" at their convenience." I agree it is time for us to do more, but getting that done is a big deal. Which is partly why the Sierra Club of Orange County began Juicing Orange County. I posted the latest press release on the survey findings of what the 34 cities in Orange County are doing to reduece their carbon emissions. Its no longer about trivial lights in the darkness of denial; its about action by larger entities including local and state governments and businesses.

4:33 pm
I now have figured out the bus and am thinking a jet lag nap sounds about right. Credentialed and official feels good. Next is still finding a phone that works over here.

Worth the read - for the charts and photos
 WSJ: Obama, in Shift, Expects Climate Deal at Summit

Caption: Nepal's top politicians held a cabinet meeting on Mount Everest to highlight the dangers of climate change ahead of international talks.European Pressphoto Agency


So I am going to call it a night. Oh, funny words! I nearly forgot. So far: "salty buscuits" = Ritz crackers; there are more I just forgot. I love being in Europe.